Soybean Update and Crop Diseases (including tar spot) on the radar
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Lizabeth A Stahl: Today's Strategic Farming field note session. I would like to welcome you to today. Our Strategic Farming Field Notes. It's brought to you by you University, Minnesota Extension, and also the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.
Lizabeth A Stahl: And today, we have joining us well for a saving update and just discussion on crap diseases that are on the radar, including Tar Spot. We have Dr. Seth Nave. He is our extension solely an agronomist.
Lizabeth A Stahl: and Dr. Dean Melvick. He's our extension plant pathologist. So with that I'm going to turn it right over to Seth to kind of give us a little bit of a update as to how things are looking right now. And you know what? What you're seeing going on in soybeans. And just kinda yeah overall how things are going. So set if you want to start off today.
Seth Naeve: Sure. thank you. Liz and Liz and I talked a little bit before the the webinar, and I said, You know, I don't really have anything very specific to talk about, but I think farmers are really interested in
Seth Naeve: hearing about the crop and talking about how their crop might look relative to some other areas around the State.
Seth Naeve: and I've traveled a fair bit. I haven't been clear up into the northwest corner, but I've been around the state quite a bit the last few weeks looking around. And things look fairly good. Yeah, I do want to mention.
Seth Naeve: you know. I guess you know the 2 big pieces here probably are, you know, just this continued drought and and stress that we've been under from the beginning. and then the other. The other issues as iron deficiency chlorosis. So I, DC.
Seth Naeve: And I know that some folks in the eastern part of the State may think that this is a little bit of a niche problem, and that there's a lot of farmers that wine about this in the western part of the State. But this is.
Seth Naeve: it's a really big problem for us in Minnesota, a large portion of our acres, and it seems like this year
Seth Naeve: everything is expanded in terms of iron deficiency, chlorosis. We have more more Idc around than I. I remember seeing.
Seth Naeve: Parts of fields are larger.
Seth Naeve: the areas affected are look worse, and we're seeing it in the fields that we don't really normally see Idc, and even even South Central Minnesota, where we've got several counties. In the middle of of this of the southern part of the State that don't generally have much Idc. They might have some pockets around some
Seth Naeve: some of these kind of old prairie potholes that show up. But there's large portions of those fields are really chlorotic this year, and so
Seth Naeve: met with some folks from one of the big seed and chemical companies this week, as well as some farmers in Western Minnesota, and walked some fields and looked at plots.
Seth Naeve: And you know it's it's just. It's just a real struggle. I do. I think the things that we know work on Idc seem to have worked again this year.
Seth Naeve: Increased populations help a little bit. Iron key late, certainly help a lot. and so those are the big, the big things that really can push us along. And then variety selection and and the variety selection piece is really
Seth Naeve: is really the challenging part, and I think that's what got his has a lot of farmers. Frustrated farmers are changing some of their some of their background genetics as they move around the herbicide resistance space a little bit.
Seth Naeve: and those some of those new varieties coming out with some of the newer backgrounds of of herbicide resistance. I always seem to be more susceptible. I, DC. Seems to be one of the last things that the companies are breeding for, and kind of just back. Cross this in
Seth Naeve: on the back side of a lot of these lines. And so it. It's really unfortunate for the producers in Minnesota, because we really get we really get dinged by it. And I know, you know, into North Dakota, into South Dakota, and a little bit in the K Kansas and Nebraska have a little bit of Idc into Iowa.
Seth Naeve: but it seems it seems pretty likely that Minnesota is probably taking the brunt of of this of this issue, and we just need more. We need more help from the seed companies to really help move this along and and help us out.
Lizabeth A Stahl: What kind of you Olympics? Do you think they could have? Potentially so? Especially if you're seeing things showing up now, I mean, is there hope that it won't have an impact? Or what do you think?
Seth Naeve: Well, it's yeah. It's definitely going to have an impact. We've we've slowed up the crop. yeah. And I, you know I am. I am sensitive to this fact that farmers are, and all of us are more
Seth Naeve: attentive to things that are highly visual. You know the old white mold thing is an is an obvious one, that farmers are really frustrated with white mold because they see it. It's obvious in the fields, and they they see it when they harvest.
Seth Naeve: But yet they don't aren't as concerned about soybean systemmatode, for instance. because they don't see it. And so it's clearly Ascn takes much, much, much greater yield loss from from Minnesota farmers than than white mold. But why mold gets a lot out seems to get a lot of attention.
Seth Naeve: So I am. I am sensitive to the fact that this is a highly visual thing, and we probably overestimate the the losses. But
Seth Naeve: it's not insignificant, and when we take out, you know, at least portions of fields that are going to yield.
Seth Naeve: you know, 10 and 20 bushel rather than 50 and 60 and 70 bushels it. Really it it it pretty quickly. Not only caps the yield for the field, but it also, you know, puts up.
Seth Naeve: Puts a pretty big being in that overall. Yield in those fields.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Yeah, too. And then. And I'm sure you know, if you have stunting that can impact, we control and things like that as well, too. And just a lot of other factors that can happen. Because you're just not getting that good. A canopy out there, too, I suppose. And
Seth Naeve: yeah, the weed. The weed thing is very interesting. There's definitely a lot of interactions going on. And and I, that's our biggest concern is that we we do open up that canopy. And then we have more trouble controlling those weeds.
Seth Naeve: the, I think some of the challenges we we know that there's been herbicide carry over this year because of the dry conditions. so we know that there's some soybeans that have been affected visually by some herbicide carry over issues.
Seth Naeve: And so some of us agronomists have been debating in this a little bit. If there's some sort of sub
Seth Naeve: you know, some some factors in those orbit that those those carry over fields where
Seth Naeve: we've got less than less less damage than would give us visual effect. You know that we don't have any kind of strapping or or deform leaves, or real, directly stunted plants.
Seth Naeve: but yet they're more chlorotic this year, and it it it does really make me wonder if if if we do have some some low, level effects of herbicide carry over in some of these fields is is just you know, stressing the plants a little bit more and then creating more Idc in these fields.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Yeah. Good, good. Good point. Oh, sorry. Yes, there's a question that came up here. If you don't mind taking a question here. It's like, what are your thoughts on nitrate levels in these hot Itc areas? they agree that they're seeing less and less of Itc tolerance soybean that they're seeing less on that. But we're also seeing higher nitrate levels in these areas as well.
Seth Naeve: there's no question in my mind that's nitrate thing is the is one of the biggest factors that we can really draw a direct line between Idc and and and management or
Seth Naeve: environment or or other factors out in the field, and and we know that the dry year last year and we had some. You know we didn't.
Seth Naeve: We had some lower corn yields than expected because of dry conditions, and then having dry conditions throughout where we didn't maybe lose as much nitrogen as we normally would. But then I think I had a really nice conversation with Bruce Potter about this.
Seth Naeve: and he and I really believe that that there's a there's something really important going on with the root and soil moisture, and where those soil where that where that root
Seth Naeve: where the rooting action happens in the plant. So basically what we're calling the rhizosphere where the the soil and the and the and the roots the effective area of the roots where they're they're actively growing where there's soil moisture.
Seth Naeve: We had a very different kind of a profile this year, where those roots were going relative to the soil profile this year, because we were wet early, and then the the range is kind of shut off right at the end of of planting in most most areas.
Seth Naeve: And so we had soybeans that were growing down through that through that moisture profile, into that moisture profile, and growing with it, the roots growing with it in the soil
Seth Naeve: And there's you know, Bruce brought this up, that you know it's what we're really doing is we're concentrating everything in that, in that in that moisture profile as those soybeans grow down through it.
Seth Naeve: and without any recharge from the top
Seth Naeve: we got a lot of little rains that dampen the soil surface, and and gave us a little bit of growth from the top, but we never really diluted out any of that, and that that that moisture profile down deep. And so any of those calcium carbon. It's dissolved calcium carbonate and salts, and then nitrates especially that we're in that in that portion of the of the rises sphere. I think those probably got concentrated
Seth Naeve: in normal years. The soybean might just grow down through them. Normally we hit July the fourth and the soybeans. It gets hot. We have some soil moisture, but the but the rooting tends to go down deeper in the soil, and I think we tend to grow through some of that, or else we get enough June rain to kind of dilute out some of that.
Seth Naeve: Some of those dissolved solutes in that in that soil profile. And I think it. I think that really helps us, you know. Get through Idc, and this year we just don't have that. And I think we're just. We're just kind of hanging on and lingering through this longer
Seth Naeve: than we've had in the past we've had. We had Idc show up a little bit later in some places.
Seth Naeve: that we didn't have it early. We had. We had Idc that came on really early in some areas, but it seems like it's all lingering on a little bit longer than we.
Seth Naeve: Then we'd really like to have it hang out.
Lizabeth A Stahl: No, it's interesting points. And we do a one more question here, too, that just popped up. It's talking about a little bit on carry over, you know, on dryers like last year. And so far this year, which types of soil would be more effective. By chemical carry over. And
Lizabeth A Stahl: again, I mean, that really depends on the product right like. there's chemical properties. High peach, low. Ph can make a difference, or high organic matter or low organic matter, and I don't know if you've got any thoughts you want to share on that stuff.
Seth Naeve: No, and and even this this thing that I've been running in my head, I think all those things are really the the first critical pieces, Liz. But then you add on top of that, where that soil pro moisture is in the soil profile. And so, whether it's course textured or or fine or textured soils are going to hold the moisture in different areas.
Seth Naeve: that that has a big that plays a factor, too. So where that, you know, if we're getting, if we do get any kind of a flush from any kind of a rain, or if if things are just kind of perched up in the soil profile that has a plays a factor, too. So
Seth Naeve: so it's a it's a real challenge. the other thing I would like to mention, too. That's been a challenge this year on an unusual challenges. We've I've gotten several calls from farmers that are are no telling.
Seth Naeve: and this year seems to be an unusual year for challenges, and Noel, too, and so I don't know
Seth Naeve: I don't really. I think I think this combination of really dry conditions. early. Then we had excess moisture during this spring planting window, and then try again. I think it's just an unusual concurrence of events that really penalized our No till this year.
Seth Naeve: and it probably has something to do with residue, breakdown and nitrogen. Release carbon, nitrogen ratios in the upper soil. Profile?
Seth Naeve: But again I come back to this herbicide. Carry over thing, and and you know. somebody mentioned that at my meeting earlier this week that you know, some of this could be related to just lack of you know, mixing and dilution of that soil profile with no till that we've got more more of these residuals hanging out, and in a really important place in the soil profile for our our soybean development. So I, a lot of really big challenges, I think, overall from a soybean development standpoint. This is just one of those perfect storm years where we just nothing.
Seth Naeve: not nothing went right. But lots of things kind of
Seth Naeve: went together in parallel to kind of create
Seth Naeve: opportunities for real challenges for early season soybean growth. And it just it didn't seem like it should be that tough. I mean, we we had moisture at planting. In most cases we were able to get the soybeans planted.
Seth Naeve: Some of the later ones did run into some challenges with soil moisture, but
Seth Naeve: in theory that Soybean should have got off and got going and got down to moisture and done really well this year. But it's just it's it's that it's that
Seth Naeve: those events that we just seem really unusual where we have, where the range is shut off so early this spring late spring that that really really caused us to lot more problems.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Yeah, no excellent points, a lot of things interacting together. And it varies across the state like you said with timing of rain when you got the rain. What are your soils like? What's the water holding capacity and all that, too? But
Lizabeth A Stahl: but with that I'm gonna we'll hold right there. I want to turn it over a little bit to Dean here. So Dr. Dean Melvich. yes, you want to give us a little update on what you're seeing with diseases what we could expect there. I know tar spots on a lot of people's minds, too. so we'll kind of bring it over there you've got, I'm sure, information on sleeping diseases, but also a corn as well.
Dean K Malvick: Yeah, good morning, everyone. Yeah. I have a a few slides that I like to share just to you this into what I'm talking about more than anything else, perhaps. But
Dean K Malvick: It will hopefully bring up some questions and some other ideas.
Dean K Malvick: And so I really want to talk about a a little bit about corn tar spot.
Dean K Malvick: I want to hit white mold a little bit, and then given that we're, you know, in a drought situation in many parts, as they don't want to talk a bit about charcoal rot.
Dean K Malvick: and then pipe and stem light.
Dean K Malvick: Now, of course, in choosing these topics there's never a clear choice always of what what is going to happen, and what is most likely to occur.
Dean K Malvick: These are some diseases that that certainly on the top of some folks minds. So first of all, tar spot
Dean K Malvick: first question is, where is it? Is, as far as we know, this year. Now, just to step back a bit, all the gray shouted, shaded counties on this map. So where tar Spot has been found in the past previous years.
Dean K Malvick: the yellow counties are those that show where tar Spot has been found so far this year. That doesn't mean it's not occurring anywhere else, of course. So these are just places where it's actually been found and confirmed and reported.
Dean K Malvick: I heard one report not confirmed, that somebody found a couple of spots in the field in South Central Minnesota.
Dean K Malvick: Now I haven't seen that, or be able to confirm any aspect of it, but you know it's certainly possible.
Dean K Malvick: But the other thing to remember is even these counties. In Iowa. You see a number of them across the central part of the state. Yeah, the entire spot is at very, very low levels.
Dean K Malvick: I don't even think they're finding it at levels equal to what I am showing in that picture in the far right. Here. Most of those leaves have just a few spots. but nonetheless it is. It is developing in some places, and
Dean K Malvick: if you saw the article from Allison Robertson, their Ipm news a few weeks ago, you know they were surprised because it's been very dry in those areas where they're finding it. But it also, it's not really expanding to anything significant yet.
Dean K Malvick: And again, some of these places, it's just one single spot like in if you can see it in this picture on the left and the lower center. There's one tar spot
Dean K Malvick: and the picture on the right. There is a few more. Okay.
Dean K Malvick: None of this is significant. Other than to say the diseases there. We've had conditions for a little bit of infection. We don't have conditions necessarily for enough infection to really cost problems for the crop, but nonetheless, it says we should be watching right?
Dean K Malvick: The other point I want to bring up here is diagnosis, and I've been looking at fields haven't found it.
Dean K Malvick: There's a surprising number of black spots on currently, if that are not tar spot right? You have to rub them pretty hard sometimes to get them up. Some of them are just bug excrement.
Dean K Malvick: If you get a little bit of a wet finger. It can rub right off, but some of it sticks amazingly hard.
Dean K Malvick: And so there's 2 things I think, that are really helpful. One is tar spots are usually elongated. They're not round, they're not spherical
Dean K Malvick: or even just round up on the surface. Also they go through the entire leaf, you should be able to see it on the top.
Dean K Malvick: and it should be going through the bottom. Those are 2 clues that are really helpful.
Dean K Malvick: and that's the point I want to make here in terms of this distribution question is.
Dean K Malvick: if you see it, question it. You want to know if you have it, you know. Please send pictures send a sample. No charge for diagnosis.
Dean K Malvick: we'd like to kind of keep track of where it's developing. And when
Dean K Malvick: and the other thing, of course. Why, this disease is such a concern. We can go from levels like you see on the left, you know, relatively low.
Dean K Malvick: which is even more than we're seeing now
Dean K Malvick: to very high levels that we see on the right, you know, and potentially 3 weeks
Dean K Malvick: under the right conditions. Now, we don't really don't see this in July where we are now. This is normally something we'd seen later in August.
Dean K Malvick: Nonetheless, the disease can progress quickly
Dean K Malvick: under the right situation.
Dean K Malvick: And again, what is that situation? Moderate temperatures, high humidity, you know, a fair amount of leaf wetness. ideally monthly rainfall. That's significant.
Dean K Malvick: I don't think we need 6 inches
Dean K Malvick: In fact, I know places where we've had significant tar spot, and there hasn't been 6 inches and probably not even need 7 h of leaf wetness. But there's some combination of this that we're still trying to figure out.
Dean K Malvick: and it seems pretty clear that, you know moisture is a driving factor, as is moderate temperatures, at least at night. It seems like we can have hot days sometimes, and the disease will still keep going if we have cool enough nights.
Dean K Malvick: And what about managing it? I think the key is to try to figure out where it is when it's developing.
Dean K Malvick: and
Dean K Malvick: second, avoid the most susceptible hybrids. Now, we can't change that obviously this year. But clearly, in the next couple of months we can look at hybrid Friday trials potentially.
Dean K Malvick: and see which ones are holding up better because there clearly are differences.
Dean K Malvick: 100 sides can be very effective.
Dean K Malvick: They don't eliminate the disease entirely like they don't on any prop but time the applications from Vt. Right about where we are now to
Dean K Malvick: up to R. 2 r. 3 are all useful time
Dean K Malvick: frames to think about. Excuse me.
Dean K Malvick: and for those few fields that are irrigated in a managing irrigation, to minimize how long the leaves are wet.
Dean K Malvick: and just to get one little example, this is from some data, and northern part part of Indiana, where they have a lot of tar spot. And
Dean K Malvick: again. This timing. In this case it showed this doesn't show the disease, but it shows the yield
Dean K Malvick: preservation associated with funding side applications in a tar spot invested field.
Dean K Malvick: So if you look at the bottom.
Dean K Malvick: the 2 tallest bars are 2, and our 3 applications
Dean K Malvick: is when they have the best deals.
Dean K Malvick: They also had the greatest suppression
Dean K Malvick: of Tar Spot.
Dean K Malvick: I haven't seen any significant data that would show that we have much of a benefit after our 4. I mean, soon after R. 3.
Dean K Malvick: So there's more and more data is coming in every year. But that's what the information is saying. Now
Dean K Malvick: let's let's get it on between Bt and in our 3,
Dean K Malvick: if we need it.
Dean K Malvick: There's more information on the disease, and that will be available to you.
Lizabeth A Stahl: and I want to just touch. Briefly, can I can ask you a quick question. And and just to let our our listeners know too, if you're listening on podcast we'll have those links available on the recording and we'll pull some of those up in the chat as well. So you can pull it up later. But just wondering. You you talk about the timing What would make you pull a trigger on a fungus side application? What level of pressure out there.
Dean K Malvick: that's a really good question.
Dean K Malvick: I know there's there's kind of 2 2 ways to look at this, I think.
Dean K Malvick: and there are folks out there doing it both ways. There are many that have already made the decision that they're applying
Dean K Malvick: in mid July regardless of the status partly based on past past years, experience
Dean K Malvick: and perceive risk and some field. Some areas have a much higher risk than others.
Dean K Malvick: But back to your question, if we're going to try to scout for it and then pull the trigger. Based on that information from scouting. That's not an easy decision.
Dean K Malvick: if it's in a field where I've never seen it before. Then maybe it's a little easier.
Dean K Malvick: and because if you don't see it
Dean K Malvick: and you're out in Western Minnesota, your risk is really low right here in southeastern Minnesota, south and east of Rochester.
Dean K Malvick: A lot of those fields are much higher risk. So we see it start developing here in mid July.
Dean K Malvick: and we think there's a reasonable chance of some regular rainfall, which which we are all hoping for. Of course, you know, then, and we might want to lean toward it. I don't think there's any magic formula right now.
Dean K Malvick: you know, one spot is not a big deal
Dean K Malvick: 20 on an early, you know, that's becoming something that's really worth paying attention to and maybe reacting to. If we have relatively cool, wet weather in the in the forecast.
Dean K Malvick: Yeah, a lot of things plan a role in that decision. Thanks thanks for that, Dean. But I'll let you move. Still figuring that out with all the research to, I suppose, to.
Dean K Malvick: We've had limited numbers of years to really collect data, but we certainly have a lot more knowledge now than we did a few years ago.
Dean K Malvick: And then, just very briefly, just to remind you, this is the time when white mold tends to really get going in soybeans, if it does.
Dean K Malvick: But where we have our drought conditions, of course, this disease will be essentially non-existent.
Dean K Malvick: but what's surprising.
Dean K Malvick: of course, every year. Excuse me.
Dean K Malvick: Some reason
Dean K Malvick: what frees up on you there?
Lizabeth A Stahl: Maybe a few. Oh, there you go.
Dean K Malvick: So what conditions favor this? It's not that different. In a sense, the entire spot.
Dean K Malvick: relatively cool temperatures and wet conditions.
Dean K Malvick: Now, ideally, we' to paint the ideal situation for white mold. We get a saturating ring in an inch or 2, you know last week or this week.
Dean K Malvick: Then we'd have periodic rains and do that. Keep the foliage wet for saturating main helps stimulate the fungus in soil to grow out of the soil, produce spores and go into the plant.
Dean K Malvick: keeping the can be web, and and it has this infection and spread. So it's always surprising to me as we hear about drought situations. But then we have certain areas where they had timely rains, you know, early to mid July.
Dean K Malvick: and then just periodic enough rain, and they get severe outbreaks, like many of you out there might have seen it this way. So even though we have dry conditions, there are a few areas that have had enough rain, but could be favoring this.
Dean K Malvick: And I think many of you also know which fields are most prone to this problem.
Dean K Malvick: Now, if you think about management again, resistant varieties help. And again, hopefully, we can get some information from some variety trials this year.
Dean K Malvick: and as far as this year, though, that the key thing is we can use fungicides. I think everyone knows that the challenges they really to be most effective need to get on at R, one r, 2
Dean K Malvick: already picked, one timing. I would go to R, 2,
Dean K Malvick: we need to go on before we see much disease developing, because the later we get it on, the more disease that's out there.
Dean K Malvick: the less we can really stop it from spreading.
Dean K Malvick: So again, we need to beat the disease and prevent it more than we can stop it once it's really gotten going.
Dean K Malvick: So that's my only point there. But white mold.
Dean K Malvick: And
see here.
Dean K Malvick: I want to talk a little bit about stem diseases.
Dean K Malvick: and not not to go into this in great detail. But you know, you can see. I I made this little
Dean K Malvick: chart here of diagnostics.
Dean K Malvick: We have white mold, and we get to dryer conditions.
Dean K Malvick: Chuckle, rod, pot and stem-like and stem. Cancer can become important
Dean K Malvick: now for plans to be in the stem kick, and we need some rains again on the stems to help an infection. But we don't need it to continue.
Dean K Malvick: and oftentimes we see some very severe outbreaks of those under very dry conditions
Dean K Malvick: and pods. Tabloid is recognized by these kinds of linear spots and rows on the stems
Dean K Malvick: and infection can occur throughout the season. Most of it's probably done by now it's happened. And again, why, a warm, wet conditions favorite, but
Dean K Malvick: later on the stress seems to bring it on it
Dean K Malvick: more so than what conditions.
Dean K Malvick: And here's an example. I'm going to mention charcoal rot. In a minute. I thought this field had Circle Rock because it was very dry.
Dean K Malvick: Some of the symptoms look similar, but it turned out to be pod and stemline.
Dean K Malvick: So again, these 2 diseases can be confused
Dean K Malvick: and circle rot. A number of folks have been asking about this because
Dean K Malvick: people know that it's associated with hot drive directly conditions. And we know it's in Minnesota. It's never been a really big concern in many places, but I think we don't have a really good understanding of how widespread it is, or how common it damaging it is.
Dean K Malvick: so this is something we'd like to know more of again. If you see suspected samples.
Dean K Malvick: you know, please send pictures ideally, send samples. and we can diagnose it and try to figure out where this is a for me.
Dean K Malvick: because I suspect, is we continue with more summers with, you know, throughout prone areas or drought
Dean K Malvick: and hot weather. we're going to probably see more of this in the future.
Dean K Malvick: And one way you can help help diagnose this. You can actually see this with the handling. If you cut open
Dean K Malvick: the root or lower stem. You can see black specs where it's where the charcoal right name comes from. Looks like specs of pepper.
Dean K Malvick: and I will stop there.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Yeah, we got a couple of questions here. One was talking about. Do you have any moisture day models for these plant diseases to inform the decisions to apply.
Dean K Malvick: You know, people have worked on that for years and trying to put together all the variables.
Dean K Malvick: And it's not. They're still not as predictive as we'd like.
Dean K Malvick: I think this work have that. Many of you know. There's a forecaster
Dean K Malvick: prediction to a lot of Wisconsin for white mold. and that's useful to look at. but it also doesn't always. It doesn't take in real local conditions. I guess the answer is, no, we don't have any hard and fast rules, because
Dean K Malvick: even though people have done a lot of extensive measurement or weather variables matching this up to the disease development, it's been very difficult.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Hmm.
Lizabeth A Stahl: it depends right? A lot of factors. and then here's another question, when does the window close for effective treatment at our spot? So, for example, what date is the appearance of Tar Spot not going to affect? Yield?
Lizabeth A Stahl: You know much.
Dean K Malvick: Yeah.
Dean K Malvick: I think we're still learning that one, too, because it can progress so quickly. But I I think it's somewhere past.
Dean K Malvick: I don't. I don't have a good date, actually. But I I would say our 4 R. 5.
Dean K Malvick: We don't see it by then. In that crop growth stage.
Dean K Malvick: I see the risk of
Dean K Malvick: seeing really, high levels are low.
Lizabeth A Stahl: I know we're getting a little over time here. Sorry, but we'll got some other questions in here. what are your thoughts on Sdn and Sds for this? You're given the dry conditions.
Dean K Malvick: Hmm. well, scm, of course, is favored by direct conditions.
Dean K Malvick: Yes, yes, is not there by dry conditions. But you know, some fields. We had enough water early to create the early season infection of Sds.
Dean K Malvick: But then, if we don't have sufficient soil moisture through July. Sds. Doesn't really develop very much.
Lizabeth A Stahl: all right. And we did that one question that we talked about earlier, too. I know there's been some hail damage. And, Seth, maybe you have some thoughts on this, too. I know a lot of people look at
Lizabeth A Stahl: you, you can hear, hey? At hailed. So let's use a fun just side. What are your do you have any thoughts you can share on on that. And is this worth the investment? You know? What? What are some things a person should consider for pulling that the that trigger on that.
Seth Naeve: you know, Dean, is Dean is really the expert on this. but I would say, just don't do it. Don't be talked into it. There's it's almost criminal to claim that these products are providing these health advantages to soybeans when when there isn't really any evidence that
Seth Naeve: fungicides, you know it's it is a little bit disingenuous to claim that these products do things widely beyond what their label is is written for.
Seth Naeve: And and that's really how a lot of these things are being sold to farmers right now. There's some some folks are really desperate to sell product, and they're they're pushing these things in any any cases. I I just had a farmer
Seth Naeve: in a very dry area. He wanted to spray fungicide, and I talked him out of it on on his soybeans. But he said, I really want to get the fungicide, so I can get the insecticide. And I said, well, didn't you get a spider might flare up last year because of your insecticide? He said. Yeah, we lost like 15 bushels.
Seth Naeve: because we we put on insecticide early.
Seth Naeve: and it flared. Our Flared our spider mites. And I said, Well, aren't you concerned about that this year? He said, well, yeah, but I just feel better if I get all this stuff sprayed on my crop. And and so there's real deep psychology that goes into this and marketing And I think farmers really need to think carefully before they put a lot of these things out. because it's not just the cost of investment. It's not just the environmental impact. But there, there's actual real can be real negative yield effects of some of these things, too.
Dean K Malvick: Team, yeah. And just a couple of comments. I agree with what sets said and also to think about, for example, corner soybeans.
Dean K Malvick: the diseases that would be enhanced by but by hail really aren't really managed effectively by Linda sites.
at I think about corn could be, say, smuts and goss is built, and then neither of those are controlled effectively.
Dean K Malvick: My bunch of sides so overall we have not seen a lot of evidence. Say it really does provide a big benefit to hail damage crops.
Seth Naeve: Show me the data. I will. I will change my tune if anybody has. If any commercial folks out there have real good data on where these products affect under stress conditions like this and and can really show it to me. I'm I'm happy to
Seth Naeve: happy to gladly listen. And maybe maybe I could change my tune a little bit on these things, but I'm I'm pretty pretty negative.
Dean K Malvick: I feel the same way I'm I'm always looking for more information.
Lizabeth A Stahl: excellent points, and I'm sorry we had one question that came in early, but I wanted to wrap this kind up at the end here. What can we expect going forward this with the plan stresses here in 2,023 any thoughts on that here.
Lizabeth A Stahl: you know, if we get the drought. Anything we can expect moving on here, or
Seth Naeve: I'll just take it. The the Gronomy side of it real
Seth Naeve: broadly, and just say, you know, we're basically living, you know, it's like living paycheck to paycheck right now on the soil moisture. So it's all about soil moisture, as far as I'm concerned. getting the crop going. I think I would say the disease piece of this is secondary and soybean
Dean K Malvick: because we just need the soy. We need the moisture for the crop to develop and yield. Well, I'm happy to take any diseases that come with excess moisture at this point, because we need the rain to get the yield first, so you know, I'll I'll let Dean take over some of the other stresses.
Dean K Malvick: most diseases, I think, as we all know rain favors them.
Dean K Malvick: There are a few that are favored by drug conditions, and I mentioned a couple of those. But in overall, when we have dry conditions. We have fewer diseases that that take any eel off the top.
Lizabeth A Stahl: Oh, no. Well, thank you guys very much for some excellent information. Today, Dean and stuff. We appreciate that very much, and thank you all for joining us today. And of course, again, we thank our sponsors, the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.
Lizabeth A Stahl: we'll have is corn root worm. Getting your corn down. We'll have Bruce Potter, our Ipm specialist out of the Southwest Research and outreach center at Lambertton, and then our new corn entomologist, Dr. Faye, will be here as well. And anyway, have a great week, and thanks for joining us.
