Making the most out of Postemergence Weed Control (Timing and weed ID)

Making the most out of Postemergence Weed Control (Timing and weed ID) - June 5
Strategic Farming: Field Notes 2024 

Contact information for today’s show:
  • Joe Ikley, NDSU Extension Weed Specialist, 
  • Debalin Sarangi, Extension Specialist, Weed Management,
  • Ryan Miller, Regional Extension Educator, Crops,
We want to thank our sponsors the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, along with the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council.

Transcripts are auto-transcribed. If you need more accurate transcripts of an episode for ADA purposes, please contact Anthony Hanson -
Making the most out of Postemergence Weed Control (Timing and weed ID)
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