Late-season weed issues and soybean aphid management
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I'm Ryan Miller, crop
extension Educator
earlier this morning.
We recorded in an episode of
the Strategic Farming
Field Notes program.
Strategic Farming Field Notes is
a weekly program addressing
current crop production topics.
A live webinar is hosted at
08:00 A.M. on Wednesdays,
throughout the cropping season.
During the live webinar,
participants can join in
the discussion and get
questions answered.
An audio recording of
the live program is
released following the webinar
via podcast platforms.
Thanks and remember to tune
in weekly for discussion
on current cropping and
crop management topics.
We welcome you here
to the program.
These sessions today
are brought to you by
the University of
Minnesota Extension with
generous support from
Minnesota farm families,
and also from the Minnesota
Soybean Research and
Promotion Council,
as well as the Minnesota
Corn Research and
Promotion Council.
With that, my name
is Dave Nicolai.
I'm University of
Minnesota Extension
Educator in Field Crops.
We want to welcome our
guests this morning.
Dr. Tom Peters,
Tom's Extension Sugar
Beet Wheat Specialist,
working with both
the University of
Minnesota and North
Dakota State University.
And he's at his office
at Fargo this morning.
And Dr. Bob Koch,
extension tomologist
in soybeans at
the University of
Minnesota as well.
Let's take any more time.
I'm going to start off
here and turn the program
over with Tom and Tom.
It's certainly been
an interesting year.
We had, I think almost like
the month of August occurring
in the month of May.
This year we're extremely warm,
hot, at least for
some of us that
are used to a little bit
cooler temperatures.
Certainly I think
some of that might
have confounded weed biology,
Weed management and
that type of thing.
I know every year we talk
about the spread of
weeds and so forth.
But before we get into all
the herbicide business,
let's talk a little
bit about some of
our weed problems that are
typically with us every year.
And some of them are
more challenging
in situations with an
environment like this.
The two that come to my mind,
and you might have others and
talk a little bit about that,
of course, is water,
Hemp, and Kosha.
It doesn't really make any
difference whether you're
a sugar beet grower or
not. It affects all of us.
What are your observations
in looking at that in terms
of biology and some of
the problems that we ran
into this last year?
Yeah, let's Dave, thank you.
It's a privilege and an
honor to be on this morning.
One of the first things
about biology that
I like to think
about is when does a weed
germinate and emerge?
The textbook says
that Kosha is one of
the first weeds that emerge
in the spring. It did.
We saw a lot of Kosha,
especially in
northwest Minnesota,
but also in west central
Minnesota right after planting.
I would argue in
some of our fields
that Kosha was the first
thing to germinate.
It germinated ahead of the wet.
It germinated ahead
of the sugar beets.
But the other thing that we
observed this year about Kosha
is when it got hot in May
and June, it went dormant.
We didn't see as much of
the prolonged germination and
emergence that we sometimes see.
I attribute that to how warm it
got and the increase
in soil temperatures.
Water hemp is a little bit
of a different story
I think this year.
And I'm going to make a
bold statement, Dave.
I don't think water
hemp was as bad
across the state
in 2023 as 2022.
And the reason I say
that is, first of all,
there's some areas
of the state that
got good rain right
after planting.
The Pre worked.
The Pre were very
effective on water hemp.
Then the rapid
growth of our crops,
again attributed to the soil,
to the air temperatures,
we had tremendous early
season growth of our crops.
I think that to some degree,
helped to shield
away from water,
hemp germination and emergence.
Then also May and June
were pretty dry as well.
In a lot of areas,
especially with water,
a seed that grows off
the surface or 1 " deep,
usually in response to
rain events and
temperature fluctuations.
I don't think we had
the flushes of water
hemp that we had in.
Other years?
Well, I would agree, certainly.
I know in some of the
places I traverse
in Central and
southern Minnesota,
we had really dry conditions.
We had moisture early
to help the crop.
And that late April,
very early May,
and then we just turned
off the faucets,
so to speak, some places
for 3456 weeks almost.
And I think that
really did affect
the amount of water
hemp with that.
What's your recommendation?
Should we be complacent
and say, well,
we didn't have much of a
problem and we should be
good for the rest of
the year in the next
couple of years.
But not really that's
the case, is that no,
we need to actively manage
weeds year round again.
We have to worry about
the biology though.
One characteristic of pigweed
is the seed becomes viable
very quickly after flowering.
You only have two weeks.
I want our audience
to keep that in mind.
If you're out there
pulling weeds,
carry them out of the field,
because if you throw
them on the soil,
they're going to
finish making seed.
And you're going to
have to deal with
the seed for four to six years.
Carry them out if you're
going to mow them off,
feel good about mowing,
but realize that some
of the seed that's more
advanced is going to make seed
or some of the water hemp
is going to make seed.
Now Dave Kosha weed and lamb's
quarters are different.
Those weeds require more of
a full season to
make viable seed.
So going out and mowing those
in August is perfectly fine,
and I think you will
reduce the amount of
weed seed production
that you have.
So I would encourage
our listeners to actively
manage all weeds,
but feel good about managing
the second batch because
that seed isn't viable.
At this point, I
know we don't have
a tremendous amount of acres
of small grain and bit wheat,
but are there some things
about the stubble
and that crop coming
off and subsequent weed growth
in those areas that you've seen?
Well, I work with a lot
of small grains growers
in Northwest Minnesota.
Unfortunately, we have a lot
of weeds this year in our wheat.
That gets back to the
earlier comments I
made about Kosha coming
up as fast as the wheat.
We're already talking about
post harvest
management strategies.
Whenever we're talking
about post harvest,
we've also got to be thinking
about what next year's crop is
going to be and incorporate
those into our decisions.
But yes, we absolutely will.
We'll try to manage
weeds that are
in our residue combination.
I think you hinted to this,
even besides the dry weather,
you felt comfortable that
where we got some moisture,
that our Pres did a very good
job across the landscape.
Yeah, Pres are always an
interesting conversation,
so some people sometimes say
they didn't do a darn thing,
it was a waste of money.
And I think the performance of
Pre is usually attributed
to rainfall patterns.
If you got rain on your
Pre in a timely manner,
I think they work
very effectively.
But here's the thing, Dave.
The worst thing about
a pre herbicide is,
especially in 2023, is if
you made the application,
everything you did was correct.
But if you didn't get rain,
you might have
gotten a good rain
for ten or 14 days
after application.
But that may not
have been time wise
adequate where water help
may have germinated and
emerged before that.
Even though you did
eventually get rain,
the rain came after some of
the earlier weeds started
to germinate and emerge.
Really knowing when that event,
that rainfall event
occurred in relationship to
the weed biology is really
critical to truly evaluate
the performance of pre.
Let's just visit a little
bit about sugar beets.
I know it's very preliminary
obviously in a lot of
your observations,
but a lot of fields
that I looked at,
at least for the Southern
in look fairly clean.
Some not so much as others,
but where they made
a good attempt,
I think things work very well.
What are your comments about
the sugar beet crop and
coming in here for this year?
The same. I learned from
Alan Dexter many years ago,
that plant as early
as you can, people,
the farmers that were able to
plant the last week of April,
April 30, and then the first
few days of May early.
Planted fields look tremendous.
And oh, by the way, they
got rain at the end of
the week and that really helped
the weed control as well.
But I think we have a
very nice crop out there,
and it's not just sugar beets.
Dave? I think across the
board in my travels,
I'm seeing a pretty
nice crop or crops.
But one thing, about 20:23
we're only two weeks
away from a train wreck.
So we're going to
need to continue
to get rains because
we don't have
a lot of excess rain or
a lot of excess moisture
in the profile.
That's for sure.
I know that we're
down compared to a year ago,
probably 20 or 30% in terms
of qualifying as adequate.
Let's just re summarize
this recommendation
for this fall.
We indicated that
probably the hardest
weed to deal with is
water hemp because it's going
to go so fast
between what I call,
if you think about
like the dough stage,
to physiological maturity
of that water hemp seed.
That's very quick. I sometimes
I get questions
from growers say,
well in this crop or this area,
what if I apply a growth
regulator, herbicide or 24d?
Will that affect the
viability and so forth?
And I think that's
really problematic.
You might have more options
in some of these other weeds,
But when it comes to water hemp,
you can't wait too terribly
long is that correct?
That's exactly correct.
I think at this
time of the year,
and I'm talking about water
hemp that's in some of
our low growing crops like
sugar beet or soybeans.
Really the only good
option we have is
electricity or hand
pulling by electricity,
I mean using the weed zapper.
One of the things
that we've learned
about the zapper is we've
already experienced the yield
loss that's already there.
But one thing the
zapper does do is it
stops the physiological
maturity process.
In seed, it'll
reduce the amount of
water hemp seed that becomes
viable and mature as well.
That's one option that we have.
The other thing
that we can do is
manage water hemp after we
start taking the crops of
either using a fall
herbicide program
or possibly using
tillage or other means.
Let's think about 20:24
What lessons did we learn
about we control post
emergence in terms of timing,
what things worked, what are
some things we need to
keep in mind for that?
Certainly, if we're in
a sugar beet rotation,
we have a number of years here,
but we've got to leverage
that summations
that you observed.
Again, I know it's
very preliminarily,
but what are some things
we need to keep forward
and keep in mind for 2024?
Yeah, a couple of
things that I learned.
The first one is sometimes
we hear about non performance
where products don't work.
And I'm going to use an
example in Sugar beets,
Peters, I went out and used
Ultra Blazer and it
didn't do a thing.
My knee jerk reaction is, yeah,
the water hemp was too big,
but that's not fair.
I think if you see
an example like that
where you don't feel you
got the performance
that you needed,
you might consider saving
that seed and
sending it into Dr.
Serene or myself to
test that seed to
determine if there might be
a weed resistance
challenge going on.
I guess I've always viewed
weed resistance as
somebody else's problem.
Yeah, we've got
widespread resistance
with ALS inhibitors
and glyphosate,
but by and large the
other products all work.
I'm starting to doubt that.
I'm starting to wonder if
weed resistance is
becoming more widespread,
especially with the oxen,
especially with the
PPO inhibitors,
especially with the Group 27.
Dave, the other thing
that I learned,
I'm reminded all the
time that agriculture is
a continuous set of
activities that starts with
planting and ends with harvest.
Well, one of the things
that I didn't realize,
or I failed to realize is
how dry it was in 2023,
especially in August,
September, and October,
we didn't get a lot of breakdown
of the 2023 herbicides
and then add that to
the late spring that we
had heck in my front
yard in Fargo,
I had 2 ft of snow on 15 April.
We didn't get any herbicide
breakdown in the spring.
The combination of the events in
the fall combined
with the spring
I think reduce the breakdown
of some of the
products that we had.
And that resulted in
carryover in some places.
So those kinds of lessons
and learning about how
last year's products can impact
this year's crop or
this year's products
and next year's crop,
I think is a real
important message
for our listeners.
Well, thank you Tom.
I hope you can hang
on. We might have
a question or two
as we go forward.
So it's a good opportunity,
like we said, to get out,
take care of those field edges,
approaches, fence lines and
so forth as we go forward here.
And that we see situation
with that One last message,
Sugar beet, pre harvest
will start on Monday.
All right. So there'll be a
lot of trucks on the road.
Everybody be safe out
there when you're
out on the highways.
Sure. Sign of fall there
in terms of that summer
is coming to an end.
But Bob, we're not quite
done with this insect
situation here.
It just keeps coming
up and so forth.
And we think, well,
the month of July
is over. I guess we're all done.
But not necessarily
When we talk about
soybeans and other things,
it's weather confounding.
I know you've called
around a little bit,
I was at Farm Fest
this last week.
A number of growers,
we're talking about that.
It's not every field.
What are some words to
the why, so to speak,
that you might have a little
bit about where we are on
soybean aphids and what
should we be doing
across Minnesota.
Yeah, thanks, Dave. In terms
of what we should be doing,
we should definitely be
scouting our fields.
There's a lot of
variability out there.
I think a lot of
that depends on how
the rainfall patterns shook
out for different
parts of the state.
Areas that got some
decent earlier rains,
seems like that's
where we're seeing
a lot more soybean aphids
right now, especially.
And a Southwestern Minnesota.
Central Minnesota, even
into Northwest Minnesota.
I spoke with Aaron Lorenz,
our soybean breeder.
He has some trials
up in Crookston.
He had to get his plots
treated for aphids.
I was down in Lamberton
this week and setting up
an insecticide trial.
We had well over 1,000
aphids per plant.
It's a pretty big aphid
year in some spots.
But it's certainly not all
areas, not all fields,
areas that are a little drier
have continued to be dry,
are still looking at
issues with spider mites.
And we know those are
a very challenging
pest under dry conditions.
What are some of the concerns or
dangers here of pulling
the trigger too early?
We know that aphids
can develop an opportunity
to move from field to field.
But what's the downside on
beneficials and just lining
to be like from an insurance?
Well, I'll think because
my neighbors do it,
I'm going to do it.
Maybe talk a little
bit about that.
Yeah, you bring up a couple
of good points, Dave,
and I think they tie into
the biology of this insect.
The first is the movement.
Around this time of
year, we often see
these slab aphid populations
developing wings,
and then they can
move to new fields.
When they're moving
to new fields,
they're often
looking for some of
the later planted fields that
are not as far along
those are going to
be really attractive
and not only attractive,
but more suitable where
the aphid populations
can grow faster.
That movement can be triggered
by different things.
Can be triggered by the
quality of the slab plant.
Maybe there are too
many aphids there.
And then those aphid
mothers can detect
that they'll produce
a generation of
babies that will
develop wings and fly
away if you have
a field that's not
necessarily heavily infested.
Now, that can change in
a short amount of
time when you get
these winged aphids migrating
into a field and reproducing.
The other aspect
that you mentioned
are the natural enemies.
These are predatory insects
like lady beetles or
these tiny parasitic wasps
that attack the aphids.
These wasps lay their
eggs inside the aphids.
The wasp eggs hatch and then
the wasp larvae will feed
inside the aphid, killing it.
And then the wasp merges,
flies away, starts its
life cycle over again.
But what they do is they leave
behind what we call
an aphid mummy,
which are the dried,
rusty, puffy remains
of the aphid.
The fields we've been
sampling around the state,
we've got very high levels of
parasitism by these
parasitic wasps.
And it seems like in some areas,
these parasitic wasps and
the lady beetles might be
holding the aphid
populations in check.
We're reaching maybe 100,
200 aphids per plant,
but they're flat lining there.
They're not continuing
to increase.
But there are
clearly areas where
the aphids are outpacing
these natural enemies.
And sky rocketing to
much higher levels.
Again, you can't just
assume that you have
no aphids or you
have tons of aphids.
You got to get out there
and scout your fields and
really get a feel for what's
happening in each of
those particular fields.
We're backing off some of
these high temperatures
this week.
We're back in some
places up north '70s,
but typically in the '80s,
that's still pretty
prime temperature,
is it not, for aphid
survival at this point.
At least going forward, it
looks at the next two weeks.
Yeah. A lot of us like
to think about it,
that the temperatures where
we're feeling comfortable
outside in the '80s,
that's where aphids
are doing really well.
Once you get up
into the mid '90s
and higher aphid reproduction
starts slowing down,
they don't do as well.
It might have been those
high temperatures earlier
on this summer that we're
slowing down aphid populations.
Now, as you were saying, David,
we're getting some
somewhat cooler weather
and this could be really
good aphid growing weather.
Not only are we getting
that movement or
redistribution of the
aphids among fields,
but once they get
into those fields,
temperatures are looking pretty
good for them to
grow quite rapidly.
I've talked with Bruce Potter
over the years and so forth,
and a lot of things come
back to you keep going
out there in the field
and watching because things
can still be a problem
all the way up until
R five soybeans.
Any comments there?
Yeah, we recommend scouting
in using the threshold at
250 aphids per plant through
the R five growth stage.
In doing so, you're
going to protect
your yields from losses
caused by the aphids.
But what you're
also going to do by
scouting regularly and
using that threshold is
prevent some of the more
challenging later
season decision making.
We know that based on
some data from some of my
colleagues in Minnesota,
that infestations
into early R six can
sometimes cause yield loss
if they are much larger.
Infestations probably above,
well above the typical
economic injury level.
That's a really tricky
time to try to make
a decision to apply
that insecticide.
Hopefully, if we're scouting,
using the threshold before that,
we'll be putting ourselves
in a better situation.
Well, some of these
newer products
and pre mixes and
so forth that we have
to be careful about.
If you've made one application
ignoring that field,
things can come back and you've
already taken out
the beneficials.
There is such a
thing as movement
as a continuing
problem, is there not?
In terms of some
of these fields,
depending upon how
they're managed.
If they were applied much
earlier in the season.
Yeah. Dave, you can have
movement to the aphids and
recolonization after an
insecticide treatment.
But I think two things
I want to bring up.
One is insecticide resistance.
Keep in mind that we still
have pyrethroid resistance
soybean aids out there.
We've documented it now
over multiple years.
Pretty much across all of
the soybean growing regions
of Minnesota into the
neighboring states as well.
Manitoba, the Dakotas,
Iowa. Keep that in mind.
If you're applying a pyrethroid,
you want to get out
there and scout after
those applications to make
sure the insecticide did
what you wanted it to do.
You mentioned mixtures, Dave.
It seems like these mixtures
are still working quite well.
Even the mixtures that
contain a pyrethroid,
they're still doing pretty well,
even though the aphids might be
resistant to half that product.
Right? But one of the
challenges I think,
with the mixtures is if we go
in with a mixture on our
first aphid application,
if we need to come back in
for another application
against aphids or mites
or something else,
it limits our options, right?
Because you've
already gone in with
two different insecticide
groups probably.
And we don't really
have all that
many total insecticide
groups available to us.
So just keep that in
mind as you're thinking
about your arsenal insecticides
and how you might
rotate through them.
Well, I think that's oftentimes
the case and you might mention
a little bit about we can
aggravate or flare
that spider mite if
we don't get rain
here in some places.
No, it sounds like a
pretty good chance of
some rain Thursday
night in Friday.
And I don't know over a lot of
Minnesota that
situations with that.
But even a normal rain,
Bob isn't going to alleviate
and wash off the
soybeans, is it not?
I think we have
to make a comment
about a rainfall doesn't
negate the problem here.
Right, Dave? First, so you
mentioned aggravating
the pest populations.
One thing I want to mention,
if you've got a field
that has mites in it,
keep in mind what
insecticides you're using.
A lot of the pyrethroid
could make that problem worse.
They can flare the
mite populations.
If you're targeting spider
mites, things like birn,
there are some other mid,
remind me what the other
part of the question was.
Basically in terms
of monitoring there,
that it can be a lot of
variability with the rainfall.
That's right, Yeah.
In regards to the rainfall when
those Saban canopies are
closed and pretty
thick and lush,
they can provide a
pretty good amount
of protection there.
Right. So if you have
a pretty huge storm at this
year with a thick canopy,
it might knock the aphids
down a little bit,
but I wouldn't
necessarily count on it.
I think you'd want to get back
out there and scout again.
I think of that kind
of weather impact
a little earlier in the season
when the canopies are more open,
you get the hard driving
rain and some winds.
I think Ian Mccrae has shown
that that can knock the
aphid populations back.
In terms of spider mites.
Um, I also would not count
on a decent rainfall
necessarily knocking
their populations back.
I think what the more
important factor is there
is a good period of time with
high humidities to favor
the fungal diseases that knock
down the mite populations.
Not necessarily one or
two rainfalls, right?
And I know even in the area
and eastern part here,
they're only talking about
a quarter inch of rain,
possibly on Thursday night.
Really very negligible.
But just last thing,
on the soybean Aps,
keep in mind that you
mentioned some areas of
Western Minnesota that were
heavier with a populations but,
you know, more here on the
eastern side of the state.
We haven't seen that as much.
Now they're picking up
maybe in the Southeast,
but we had a lot of variability.
We had soybeans that
were planted and sat in
the soil for 345 or six
weeks before emergence.
So even in soybean crop,
it was up and down.
Up and down, and we were dry.
But interesting to see
how that comes out.
But the bottom line is,
we haven't seen the pressure.
You can't always paint
with a broad brush, right?
And I think that's certainly
been the case from what
you've seen from there,
and even on St. Paul campus.
I know we've looked around
and I haven't seen as much
either in terms of that.
Yeah, David, you know,
that all gets back
to getting out there
and scouting the field.
There's a lot of variability
out there this year.
If I can take just a
couple seconds here.
So want to mention
that in talking
with Angie Peltier
from Crookston,
she there's quite a bit
of a green clover worm
larvae in some fields,
so that might be something
people want to start
paying attention
to in some areas.
These are small
green caterpillars
sounded like they're in
their early in stars,
very young caterpillars yet.
But as they get bigger,
their consumption of leaf
area can really increase.
So these are
defoliating insects.
We've also got
grasshoppers out there in
pretty high numbers
in some areas.
Just another reminder,
something else to be
looking for when you're
scouting and keep the thresholds
in mind for this time of
year reproductive stage
soybean in Minnesota,
we're still using the
defoliation threshold of
20% Look at multiple
plants across the field.
Some leaves from
the top, middle,
and bottom of the plants
average all those
levels of defoliation.
Then if that field
wide average is above
20% that's where we would
recommend starting to line up
an insecticide application.
Some folks might be hearing
about some lower thresholds,
ten to 15% reproductive
growth stage is a soybean,
but in Minnesota, at
the University of Minnesota
recommending the 20% threshold.
Okay. Great. Well,
we've been through
a lot of communication
here this morning on
some important issues,
both weeds and insects.
Tom, you've had a little
bit of a break there.
Any last thoughts that you have
on from a weed science
perspective that
we did not address
that we should mention
here as we close?
No, I don't have anything
else but thanks for asking.
We certainly have that and we'll
have and so forth coming out.
And Bob, I know that we have
some other events coming
up here with Bruce Potter,
Lambert in the end of
August here on corn t Worm.
Our new insect specialist,
Fay is on staff now there.
And we're also going
to have another event,
probably at N Rosemont
area on September 7.
We watch for that
for a field days.
Dr. Dean Melk as well.
We'll have an opportunity
to address those as well.
I'll just put a plug
in for the crop news.
A couple of articles that
you've been involved with,
Bob and Bruce and other
people have talked
about soybeans, spider mites.
If you didn't pick up
everything that we're
talking about here,
I'll refer back to University
of Minnesota Crop News.
Finally, Tom, I'll put in
a shameless plug
for an article that
you and I were involved
with in the Crops and
Soils magazine on
herbicide resistance.
You can get it online.
If you get the magazine,
a Certified Crop Advisor,
or whatever, take a look at
the most recent edition
of Crops and soils.
And it gives a
good overview here
of what we're dealing with
in the upper Midwest.
With that, at this point,
I have another question here.
I'm going to segue
back over to Dean Lb,
because it's more
of a disease one,
and save Bob of being
a plant pathologist here
this morning with that.
But we want to thank both of
you for taking the time out of
your schedule to be a part
of the program again.
And so we'd like to also
just to capsulize here.
The sessions were brought to you
by University of
Minnesota Extension,
University of M Farm Families,
Minnesota Soybean Research
and Promotion Council,
along with the Minnesota
Corn Research and
Promotion Council.
Thank you again for
your time and thank
you for attending.
