Corn nutrient status and herbicide application in hot weather
In this episode, Brad Carlson, water resources extension educator, and Dan Kaiser, extension nutrient specialist, discussed nutrient availability in corn, especially nitrogen based on previous crops, use of urea, and other nutrients, such as sulfur. Joe Ikley, Extension Weed Specialist at North Dakota State University also discussed weed and herbicide interactions in the recent hot weather we’ve been having. Drought-stressed weeds have a tendency to produce more protective cuticle, so additional carrier or surfactant is often needed to get herbicide active ingredient penetration into the plant. Anthony Hanson gave updates on insect issues occurring in mid-June, such as true armyworm and alfalfa weevil.
We want to thank our sponsors the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, along with the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council.
Postemergence herbicide applications in hot weather:
Postemergence herbicide applications in hot weather:
Grasshoppers on soybean