What’s up with Corn and Soybean Diseases? (7/7/21)
This episode featured Dr. Dean Malvick, Extension plant pathologist, and Dr. Angie Peltier, Extension Educator-crops in northwestern MN, to discuss corn and soybean pathogens. This is the time of year where growers may be considering fungicide options or if they are needed, especially as soybeans enter flowering stages when white mold infection may occur. With the dry conditions, fields with soybean cyst nematode may also be more noticeable than in previous years. Being in a drought does not mean diseases will entirely go away. This episode discusses which diseases will likely be problematic this year, and what management considerations may be needed.
Today is July 7, 2021, and earlier this morning we recorded another episode of the Strategic Farming: Field Notes program. The Field Notes program is a weekly update on the current crop situation and crop management considerations. Today’s session was moderated by U of MN Extension Crops Educators David Nicolai and Anthony Hanson. The special guests included Dr. Dean Malvick, Extension plant pathologist, and Dr. Angie Peltier, Extension Educator-crops in northwestern MN, to discuss corn and soybean pathogens. Being in a drought does not mean diseases will entirely go away. This episode discusses which diseases will likely be problematic this year, and what management considerations may be needed.