Late-season disease issues and soybean agronomics (8/18/21)
This episode featured Drs. Dean Malvick and Angie Peltier to talk about current disease issues in the state. Dr. Seth Naeve was also online to discuss soybean agronomy as the growing season begins to wind down.
For August 18, 2021, special guests included Dr. Dean Malvick, Extension plant pathologist, and Dr. Angie Peltier, Extension educator-crops in northwestern MN, to talk about current disease issues in the state, even during drought conditions. Malvick described late-season diseases that are beginning to show up across the state, and Peltier showcased the Digital Crop Doc, a U of M online tool growers can use to identify crop disease. Dr. Seth Naeve also discussed soybean yield components in late August. Seed number may have been limited due to hot dry conditions earlier on, but soybean plants are still able to increase seed size and weight in late August into September.