Insect Management in Dry Weather (6/30/21)

This episode featured Dr. Ian MacRae, University of Minnesota Extension Entomologist, and Bruce Potter, Extension IPM specialist, to discuss insect management issues to be on the lookout for this year. Hot and dry conditions can mean we may see different pest complexes than most years, such as spider mites and grasshoppers. Regulatory changes for insecticides, such as chlorpyrifos, are also pending and could significantly affect what insecticide options growers have left to use this year.
Today is June 30, 2021, and earlier this morning we recorded another episode of the Strategic Farming: Field Notes program.  The Field Notes program is a weekly update on the current crop situation and crop management considerations.  Today’s session was moderated by U of MN Extension Crops Educators Jared Goplen and Anthony Hanson.  The special guests included Dr. Ian MacRae, University of Minnesota Extension Entomologist, and Bruce Potter, Extension IPM specialist, to discuss insect management issues to be on the lookout for this year. Hot and dry conditions can mean we may see different pest complexes than most years, such as spider mites and grasshoppers. Regulatory changes for insecticides, such as chlorpyrifos, are also pending and could significantly affect what insecticide options growers have left to use this year.
Insect Management in Dry Weather (6/30/21)
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